For Families 家庭资訊
For Families 家庭资訊
Learning Tools 学习工具
Learning Tools 学习工具
Chinese 中文 -
汉字屋 (stroke order of characters)
Cantonese 粵語 -
Chinese Converter - Cantonese page:
- Text Read-Aloud Tool
- Text to Jyutping (web-based Cantonese input method 粵拼輸入法)
CantoRocks (web-based game; Jyutping practice)
Mandarin 普通话 -
Chinese Converter - Main page:
- Text Read-Aloud Tool
- Text to Pinyin (web-based Mandarin input method 拼音输入法)
* These recommendations are made purely based on our teachers' input. 我们纯粹根据教师的意见提供这些建议.
SSCS has no commercial affiliations with any of the organizations above. 南岸中文学校与上述组织没有商业关系.